Wednesday, March 17, 2021

News and Information

I can only think of two places where I actively follow political news. I learn about what's going on from various youtube channels I'm subscribed to. I'm not very big at all in politics, and I don't have have any strong opinions regarding most political issues. 

1. My Twitter Feed
Twitter is one of the few places I get news. It's not very active news. I just learn of what's going on from my browsing. I am aware that Twitter is a private organization that censors some voices. It is convenient though. I try to keep that in mind every time I browse.

2. Lowder with Crowder
This is the only real place I follow that actively talks about current events as they happen. He is the "change my mind" guy. Although I watch the videos and livestreams, I don't always have to agree with everything there. I do find him entertaining, the the work he does is interesting. 

3. Servers on Discord
Discord is the place I am on the most. It's not really a direct source of news. But since I am on it the most, I take in a lot information for the different discord servers I'm in, as well as my own.

4. Youtube
Youtube is the primary place I go to to be entertained and consume content. There are multiple channels I follow that talk about current events as they are happening. The mostly stay within events regarding the internet in some way. 

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