Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Supreme Court

One of the first things that stood out to me when watching the videos about the supreme court was just leaning about the statistics, facts like how the court receives over a hundred cases a week. And so the justices must pick and choose which ones to fully review. However, it was also inspiring to learn that every petition is treated with the same amount of weight and importance. Even people in prison can write a petition to the supreme court. Another interesting point to bring up would be how every decision the court make will bind the court in the future, as they must continue to abide by the principles of their decisions. Like what one justice described, "It's like walking in a sidewalk of wet cement." Every step you take has permanent consequences.

Overall, I very much just enjoyed learning about the Supreme Court, what they do, and how they do it. Before, I mostly assumed that the Supreme Court was just like lower courts in the states, but for more important matters that involve the government itself. Now I know that it is more like a court of appeals that reviews whether a law or decision is constitution through petitions.

Part I
Part II

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