Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Age of AI

To me it seems like artificial intelligence is getting more and more advanced with each passing year. That excitement for what the future has in store but also worry for how AI could be abused. It is interesting to think about how China and the United States are essentially rival in this new age. China has a much larger market of consumers than we do which means they have more people to test with and more room to grow their technology. One of the most frightening things to come from China would be their new social credit score system. AI can keep watch over citizens's actions in all places whether it be public or online. Things like facial recognition can be used to prevent services to individuals with low scores. It terrifies me that there is a place on earth that has a system like this, like competition to see who can agree with the government the most, with real world penalties.

What about our own country? What about the United States? What are some of the pros and cons of AI in our own economy? To me, I see a lot of parallel of the advancement of AI to the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Both the pros and the cons. Good production skyrocketed and many technological advancements happened because of it. However at the same time, many lower class people lost their jobs and livelihoods because of all the rapid advancements in production. There was a reason "rage against the machine" was something that happened. On top of that, these advances and technology were used because wealthier people wanted to cut costs and maximize profit, with no care for the average worker. And all those mirror that cons of advancing AI. Business owners will unitize new technologies so that they can pay less people and produce the same, if not more, goods. The film used the trucking business as an example of this already happening. However, despite all these woes, over a century later, do we wish the industrial revolution never happened? Of course not. Although the progress was painful, it was still progress. What saved the average workers were government legislations and labor laws. Things like minimum wage, welfare, and labor unions were formed to protect workers from mistreatment. I think in order to avoid the worst case scenario of a future with AI, there needs to be some new laws that limit AI and protect us.


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